Australia - Brown years: 1923-1939.
Ordinary rate delivery form: AB-DO-7A

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form numbers T. G. 42.
Heading is RECEIVED TELEGRAM and is only one section.
Advertising box top left has a single thin outline.
Message area: Blank - occupies about 70% of the form.
Reverse side: Advertisements - 3 on earlier issues, 1 on later.
Colours (text & form): Blue on cream but reverse is orange on the 1939 form.
Size of form overall: 123 × 213.
Size of datestamp box: 28 × 46 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

 These type 7 forms were first printed in June 1929 whereas the forms with the type 7B format having the same design but intended for use as rolls on teletype machines were printed from April 1933.

The main distinctions amongst the three formats for the type 7A forms are:

Outline for box. Advertisment at top left Date stamp box
7A Single line Telegraph! ... in 2 full lines followed by
"The Information ..." in the same font.
Just top line.
7C Double line Telegraph! ... in 2 full lines followed by
"The Information ..." in a smaller font.
Top and left line with 3 dotted lines inside box.
7D Double line For Quick Service ... in 3 lines followed by
"The Information ..." in a smaller font.
Top and left line with 3 dotted lines inside box.


Printed in June 1929.

Darwin to Melbourne (CTO datestamp).

5 January 1933.

Double form with text in code (see Codes in Telegrams section).


  • two sentences in advertising box begin
    "TELEGRAPH! ...";
  • no box for the date stamp;
  • three advertisements on the reverse are in blue with only the middle one having a boxed frame.
DO-7A rev AB-DO-7A (reverse).

Reverse side of the above form has three advertisements - only one of which is boxed.

Printed in March 1930.

Queen Victoria Buildings, Sydney to Melbourne
(24 March 1931).


  • Date stamp box has
    3 sides (3/1930 printing only);


DO-7C rev AB-DO-7C (reverse).

Reverse side of the above form has three advertisements - only one of which is boxed. All three advertisements are different from those on the 1929 form (7A).


Printed in March 1930.

Port Macquarie to Wagga Wagga
(9 June 1934).


  • advertisement in box has been changed to begin with "FOR QUICK SERVICE ...";
  • other characteristics are the same as for DO-7C - including the same schedule number.
AB-DO-7D AB-DO-7D (reverse).

The reverse side of the above telegram format with the advertisement starting with

Two of the three advertisements have been changed to different themes. The presentation format - with the central advertisement being the only one boxed - is the same.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-7A Sch. C425. - 6/1929. 5 January 1933 at CTO Melbourne. C
DO-7C Sch. C542. 3/1930. 24 March 1931 at CTO Melbourne. C
DO-7D Sch. C542. 3/1930. 9 June 1934 at Wagga Wagga. NC